
paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

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Apple TV will be a hobby for a while.

Apple unveiled its new iPod lineup today, and Steve's "one more thing" was a long-awaited refresh of Apple TV. while quite a few people seem to be excited about this tiny, sleek new incarnation of

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Open or closed: as mobile dominates, does malware propagate? and what does this mean for pants?

i have envisioned the phone as a credit card for some time now.  VISA (and others) have an RFID-enabled keychain fob that works as a proximity wand.  putting an RFID into a phone that can

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iPhone vs. iPod Touch, iPad WiFi vs. iPad 3G

this post is the answer to a question asked by Michael Woodard on an earlier post, and i thought the answer might be of use to others as well. be aware that this comparison is

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