*** be sure and check the bottom of the post for a special bonus! *** the last film I produced and directed was made on a shoe-string budget. as with any independent production, we had
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short film audio recorded entirely with iPhone 4
11.02.11 parabolos portable production ADR, audio, FiRe, foley, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, iRig, Joey Robertson, Josh Chase, Joshua Schnell, macgasm, Mark Messick, podcast, Sennheiser, sound design
Apple TV will be a hobby for a while.
10.09.01 technology AirPlay, Apple, Apple TV, D8, FaceTime, GameCenter, hulu, hulu plus, iPad, iPod, iPod Touch, iTunes, Netflix, Steve Jobs
Apple unveiled its new iPod lineup today, and Steve's "one more thing" was a long-awaited refresh of Apple TV. while quite a few people seem to be excited about this tiny, sleek new incarnation of
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