
paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

my interview on Michigan Film Reel

check out this short interview i did in Grand Rapids this past weekend. after my two-hour seminar for the GR film community, we headed over to McFadden's for a quick bite, and i recapped some

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can i run FCP on the new MacBook Air?

well, the first question is, why would you want to? but i'll answer that in a minute. (more…)

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teaching and tech workshop (GR, MI)

i have a very exciting opportunity coming up next month. it's something that you have a chance to experience one way or another. (more…)

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Samsung’s Galaxy Tab will be iPad’s first real competitor

see the commercial here. looks fun! the connectivity will be a huge plus for buyers, if the price point is good. my friend Stephen Hackett over at forkbombr links to some great info on the

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hulu plus on iPad needs work. (update: and gets some!)

i was really stoked when hulu plus was announced. hulu was really the only video the iPad was missing for me, as everything else i watched had either created an app (e.g., ABC, Netflix) or

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Apple TV will be a hobby for a while.

Apple unveiled its new iPod lineup today, and Steve's "one more thing" was a long-awaited refresh of Apple TV. while quite a few people seem to be excited about this tiny, sleek new incarnation of

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if you’re a creative, read this: right vs. left… which are you?

don't worry, this isn't about politics.  it's about your brain. anyone's brain really.  first, stop reading this post, fix some tea or coffee and sit and read the following articles for the next few minutes,

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