don't worry, this isn't about politics. Â it's about your brain. anyone's brain really. Â first, stop reading this post, fix some tea or coffee and sit and read the following articles for the next few minutes,
keep reading...My Blog
if you’re a creative, read this: right vs. left… which are you?
10.08.10 directing, productivity Michael Hyatt, Newsweek, pomodoro, WIRED
09.12.09 productivity pomodoro
pomodoro going well today. getting a lot of reading done. some books i have are to shape my long-term goals, some is purely out of curiosity, some are for entertainment (read: enlightenment), some for education
keep reading...091124
09.11.24 productivity iPhone, pomodoro
tried pomodoro yesterday in a staff setting. completely different dynamic, which in turn of course presents an entirely new set of issues. several times, questions interrupted my session in the morning, but i felt they
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09.11.22 productivity pomodoro
liking the pomodoro technique so far. can see that i’ll still have trouble deciding which line item to do next. also i’ve noticed that i don’t have too many problems focusing on one thing for
keep reading...091122a
09.11.22 productivity pomodoro, Stephen Covey
just finished a few pomodoro items and can see it being very beneficial as far as getting things done. i still need to prioritize, however, perhaps by combing with Stephen Covey’s urgent/important matrix. will work
keep reading...pomodoro technique
09.11.22 link, productivity pomodoro, productivity, The Office
i (sort of) started using pomodoro technique today.  i can see that it will be influential, but I’m obviously not very good at it yet. first things first, i need to make a list of the
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