paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog


many of you are aware that i often write articles for Macgasm. for many of my app reviews, features on Apple hardware and software, and thoughts on the future of tech, i often post on

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my macgasm articles about FCPX all in one place

if you're interested. the speculation: Thoughts on iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express, and the Future the reaction: Beyond the Specs: Reactions to Final Cut X the reflection: Final Cut Pro X: Our two editors

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Movie Magic Scheduling releases iPad app

a better headline might be "Movie Magic Scheduling iPad app escapes." this app is more like proof of concept than really usable on set. good thing it's $30. we can do better than this. someone

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doddlePro with digital call sheets

doddle Pro brings Digital Call Sheets to iOS (web access coming soon), with awesome features. (more…)

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short film audio recorded entirely with iPhone 4

*** be sure and check the bottom of the post for a special bonus! *** the last film I produced and directed was made on a shoe-string budget. as with any independent production, we had

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app reviews on

thanks to my buddy, Stephen, I recently got the opportunity to do app reviews for macgasm is weblog about Apple news, products, and apps. Stephen is a Senior Contributor and Joshua Schnell is the

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