well, the first question is, why would you want to? but i'll answer that in a minute. (more…)
keep reading...My Blog
can i run FCP on the new MacBook Air?
10.10.20 film, technology Apple, editing, filmmaking, Final Cut Pro, iPad, MacBook Air
hulu plus on iPad needs work. (update: and gets some!)
10.09.20 technology Apple TV, hulu, hulu plus, iPad
i was really stoked when hulu plus was announced. hulu was really the only video the iPad was missing for me, as everything else i watched had either created an app (e.g., ABC, Netflix) or
keep reading...Apple TV will be a hobby for a while.
10.09.01 technology AirPlay, Apple, Apple TV, D8, FaceTime, GameCenter, hulu, hulu plus, iPad, iPod, iPod Touch, iTunes, Netflix, Steve Jobs
Apple unveiled its new iPod lineup today, and Steve's "one more thing" was a long-awaited refresh of Apple TV. while quite a few people seem to be excited about this tiny, sleek new incarnation of
keep reading...iPhone vs. iPod Touch, iPad WiFi vs. iPad 3G
10.08.07 parabolos portable production, productivity, technology Apple, AT&T, Dropbox, filmmaking, iPad, iPhone, wifi
this post is the answer to a question asked by Michael Woodard on an earlier post, and i thought the answer might be of use to others as well. be aware that this comparison is
keep reading...guest teaching at Biola
10.04.30 parabolos portable production, teaching Biola, bmc10, iPad, Jack Hafer
just did a guest teaching spot at Biola... Jack Hafer invited me to talk to his Media Ethics class, only about two-thirds of which are film majors. even though the majority of what I discussed
keep reading...development part ii – the screenplay
10.03.30 film, parabolos portable production, screenwriting Apple, development, Final Draft, iPad, iPhone, MacBook Pro, parabolos portable production, Quickoffice, Screenplay
at some point all of those notes, cocktail napkin sketches, ideas, pictures stolen from flickr, etc. end up turning into words somewhere. Â for the writer, it begins a long time ago, but for everyone else
keep reading...parabolos portable production
10.02.03 film, parabolos portable production, productivity, vision filmmaking, iPad, parabolos portable production
over the next few weeks, i'll be doing a series on parabolos portable production. Â the past few films i've worked on have allowed me to realize the possibility of modern technology to really revolutionize the
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