paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

Apple unveils Final Cut Pro X: my reactions

the macgasm team asked for my reactions on last night's news of Final Cut Pro X.  you can read it here. listen to some videos from last night here (image isn't very helpful, especially during the

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Apple’s NLE future

just posted one of the longest articles I've ever written over at macgasm. while you're waiting on info about the new Final Cut to trickle in this week, give it a read and let me

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iOS homescreen organization

Ben Brooks recently shared his iOS homescreens along with some of his readers', so i thought i'd join the nerdfest. (more…)

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new 13″ MBP *still can’t* run full FCP Suite, iPad 2 may have Thunderbolt?

the Internets lit up today with picture leaks showing the specs of the new 13" MBP. it features Intel's newest Sandy Bridge processors and a snappy new graphics card. ditching the 320m means the Final

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digital meeting etiquette

Ben Brooks breaks down some excellent thoughts over at the Brooks Review about meetings in today's digital age, particularly with regard to using iPad. (more…)

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on 3D

author's note: i spent several hours writing and shaping the below, only to have this article circulate the Internet literally hours after stepping away from the keyboard: Walter Murch to Roger Ebert regarding 3D. quite

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app reviews on

thanks to my buddy, Stephen, I recently got the opportunity to do app reviews for macgasm is weblog about Apple news, products, and apps. Stephen is a Senior Contributor and Joshua Schnell is the

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