paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

design isn’t what something looks like

if a friend told me he’d picked up a rusted, busted refrigerator on the side of the road, took it home, and put all his food in it, i’d worry about him. ”it’s okay,” he’d

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the Why of this blog

i began this blog with a few reasons in mind. one of the most visible purposes was to share what i had learned about using new technology as it applies to the film production process.

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many of you are aware that i often write articles for Macgasm. for many of my app reviews, features on Apple hardware and software, and thoughts on the future of tech, i often post on

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my macgasm articles about FCPX all in one place

if you're interested. the speculation: Thoughts on iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express, and the Future the reaction: Beyond the Specs: Reactions to Final Cut X the reflection: Final Cut Pro X: Our two editors

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Apple’s cashpile and the next CEO

great article by John Gruber over at Daring Fireball: "Put another way, the obvious structure for a post-Jobs Apple is simply Apple as we know it, without Steve Jobs." i think he's totally en pointe

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macgasm reviews

just a reminder that i occasionally review film-related apps for macgasm's readership has really shot up over the last few months as more and more people recognize it as a site with great writing

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Movie Magic Scheduling releases iPad app

a better headline might be "Movie Magic Scheduling iPad app escapes." this app is more like proof of concept than really usable on set. good thing it's $30. we can do better than this. someone

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