paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

conducting a film

many people have long compared film to music, primarily to the symphony. i am too lazy today to research and find specific quotes and sources, so i'll just assume you've heard the same and agree

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headed to LA

hey LA! i'm headed your way! alert Roscoe's, Amoeba, In-N-Out, and the Arclight Theater. oh heck, alert Ripley's Believe It Or Not, too. let's face it, i'm totally going. i'll be arriving april 27 and

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wrapped! (for now)

principal photography wrapped last night for Sleepwalking.  i feel really good about everything.  i haven't looked at any dailies yet, but saw most everything over Dan Baker's shoulder, and it looked so much like it

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Sleepwalking website update!

parabolos team member william cavataio has done some great work for us on the Sleepwalking website!  an interim page is up that has some more information on it than the previous teaser page.  check out

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Sleepwalking directorial

man... what a week... i'm really drained, but the good kind.  i will sleep like a baby tonight!  a baby that sleeps well... through the night for 8 hours or more... and then wakes up

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Sleepwalking webpage

new incarnation of the Sleepwalking webpage going up sometime tonight.  this is a major step for us, as it will be the first time the film webpage will feature verbs.*  i can't wait to really

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Sleepwalking – pre-production parabolos is well into pre-production on Sleepwalking, a 20-minute short film that serves in many ways as a great test run for a lot of the processes we've been developing for a while.  we're

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