paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

sunday morning

for two months, i devoted most of my waking hours to thinking about, shooting, writing, planning, editing, or watching the following project, commissioned of me by the church i attend, North Boulevard church of Christ.

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the power of love (of movies)

  this is an open letter to Kayla, the 11-year-old who wrote Time to Pass, a short film i produced and directed. you can see it here. dear Kayla, it's been over a year since

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“Blue Like Jazz”, “a lot of angry patrons”, and the “Christian Movie Establishment”

if you love film or if you are a Christian, you've got to read this post by Blue Like Jazz filmmaker — musician-turned-director Steve Taylor: The Christian Movie Establishment vs. Blue Like Jazz "One of the most

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ET – a review


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the director’s worksheet

my 2nd year directing class under the instruction of Janos Kovacsi was a life-changing experience. Janos gave a lot of wonderful instruction, a lot of which i have shared with my students over the years,

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Kate’s song – a short screenplay

here's an interpretive exercise for directors: pick a song, poem, hymn, or psalm (preferably at random... open a book, eyes closed, and point your finger, e.g.). craft a story that demonstrates visually and audibly the

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selections from “Becoming the Sycamore Tree”

photo by Ian W. Scott. Becoming the Sycamore Tree by David Skidmore, my brother. as featured in Youth Specialties. "At my church, we have a private preschool and kindergarten. In the nearby church courtyard is a playground.

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