my 2nd year directing class under the instruction of Janos Kovacsi was a life-changing experience. Janos gave a lot of wonderful instruction, a lot of which i have shared with my students over the years,
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the director’s worksheet
12.03.08 directing, film, screenwriting, teaching acting, actor, actress, directing, motivation, screenwriting, script, writing
House, LOST, Community, and jumping the proverbial shark
12.02.06 film, screenwriting, television ABC, Arrested Development, Community, film, HOUSE, hulu, jump the shark, LOST, NBC, Netflix, screenwriting, television, tv, video, writing
from the Fonz literally jumping the shark on that fateful episode of Happy Days to Barry Zuckerkorn's subtle homage on Arrested Development, television viewers have discussed the concept now known as "jumping the shark". it's
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