paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

the expiration date on “sensitivity”

"the more you noodle this over, the more meaningless this seemingly thoughtful gesture becomes." - Jeff Jensen,   (h/t Kevin Mathis and Plugged-In)

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sunday morning – director’s commentary

since there are way too many things to say about this film to fit into the five-and-a-half minute runtime, i thought a written commentary would be better. the following goes through the entire sunday morning

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sunday morning

for two months, i devoted most of my waking hours to thinking about, shooting, writing, planning, editing, or watching the following project, commissioned of me by the church i attend, North Boulevard church of Christ.

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“Blue Like Jazz”, “a lot of angry patrons”, and the “Christian Movie Establishment”

if you love film or if you are a Christian, you've got to read this post by Blue Like Jazz filmmaker — musician-turned-director Steve Taylor: The Christian Movie Establishment vs. Blue Like Jazz "One of the most

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many of you are aware that i often write articles for Macgasm. for many of my app reviews, features on Apple hardware and software, and thoughts on the future of tech, i often post on

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Apple’s cashpile and the next CEO

great article by John Gruber over at Daring Fireball: "Put another way, the obvious structure for a post-Jobs Apple is simply Apple as we know it, without Steve Jobs." i think he's totally en pointe

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Apple’s NLE future

just posted one of the longest articles I've ever written over at macgasm. while you're waiting on info about the new Final Cut to trickle in this week, give it a read and let me

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