paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog


my favorite piece i made while at North Boulevard was this spot for our television program "Peace": the problem it may surprise you that i don't like watching "television". i put that in quotes,

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let me be your wild

legend has it that during the silent film era, the great creators like Laurel & Hardy employed a “Wild Man” on set. this Wild was part or the writing team (think comedy rooms like The

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should Christians work separate from culture or through it?

friend and former student Patrick Ryan had me on his YouTube show Across the Forge over at Cross Forge Gaming. we talked about the precarious subjects of Christians in the film industry, Christian films, and

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design isn’t what something looks like

if a friend told me he’d picked up a rusted, busted refrigerator on the side of the road, took it home, and put all his food in it, i’d worry about him. ”it’s okay,” he’d

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parabolos is my motion picture production company. through it, i hope to turn vision and message into tangible work, sharing myself through process and product from story development to the final master of the film.

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the Why of this blog

i began this blog with a few reasons in mind. one of the most visible purposes was to share what i had learned about using new technology as it applies to the film production process.

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many of you are aware that i often write articles for Macgasm. for many of my app reviews, features on Apple hardware and software, and thoughts on the future of tech, i often post on

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