paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

headed to LA

hey LA! i’m headed your way!

alert Roscoe’s, Amoeba, In-N-Out, and the Arclight Theater. oh heck, alert Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, too. let’s face it, i’m totally going.

i’ll be arriving april 27 and heading straight to USC to meet up with my good friend Jim O’Keeffe. i’m starting off my two-week stay by teaching a hands-on workshop to first-year undergrad students about portable production stuff.

then, may 1, i’ll be doing a workshop at the Biola Media Conference (, also about portable production. if you’re in the area and can come, please do! it would be great to see some familiar faces!

I won’t be getting back on a plane (voluntarily) until may 10, so let’s have an old-fashioned NCSA cookout or grab coffee and spend time together!


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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  • Matt B | 10.03.20

    You’d better have me in your class one day as a special guest instructor to discuss the ins and outs of DV Vision or I swear to…

  • skidmore | 10.03.21

    Matt, much of the editing world has already moved on to Lightworks. I’m currently in talks with the CIA to find Jason Chan.

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