paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

who the heck am i?

you may be asking yourself the same question.  i mean, not about yourself, but about me.  so it would be a different question, as it would be in 2nd person, and not come off as either philosophical or crazy.  but the essence of our two questions would be quite similar.

what was i talking about?

right.  i’m a filmmaker, currently living in the memphis, tn area.  i’ve rounded up eight great friends and filmmakers, and we’ve started a company called parabolos.  we’re doing some initial financing stuff right now, but we’re already working on two short films and two features, with more things in the development wings.  i’m a 2002 graduate of the university of north carolina school of the arts school of filmmaking.  i have a bfa in filmmaking with an emphasis in producing in years three and four.

have you seen anything that i’ve worked on?  probably not, though Shotgun Stories is available on DVD and Netflix instant.

i love making films and watching them, and though i’m typically not a big fan of crowds or social events, i really love persons.  i love sharing what little i know as a beggar shares bread with another.  there’s a lot of beautiful things to explore in the world, and i don’t want to waste much time.

if you’re desperate to know more about my background, click here to view or download my bio, and here to view or download my résumé.

if you want to know what i look like, head over to my facebook.  if you follow my twitter feed, you will be instantly informed of new posts, as well as any developing parabolos news.


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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