paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog


Who am I? is one of the most painful and penetrating questions. And the fairy tale assures us, regardless of our gender, "You are the younger son. You are the true princess. You are the

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the expiration date on “sensitivity”

"the more you noodle this over, the more meaningless this seemingly thoughtful gesture becomes." - Jeff Jensen,   (h/t Kevin Mathis and Plugged-In)

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“Blue Like Jazz”, “a lot of angry patrons”, and the “Christian Movie Establishment”

if you love film or if you are a Christian, you've got to read this post by Blue Like Jazz filmmaker — musician-turned-director Steve Taylor: The Christian Movie Establishment vs. Blue Like Jazz "One of the most

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ET – a review


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selections from “Becoming the Sycamore Tree”

photo by Ian W. Scott. Becoming the Sycamore Tree by David Skidmore, my brother. as featured in Youth Specialties. "At my church, we have a private preschool and kindergarten. In the nearby church courtyard is a playground.

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“Africa is hungering and thirsting, weeping and mourning. Jesus says they are blessed. So they receive the message of Christ…. In the West, we are fat and full, and we have everything a people could

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