i'd say most people currently reading my blog already know this, but i'll be doing a workshop tomorrow (may 1st) at the Biola Media Conference! i'm really excited, and honored and humbled to be listed
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guest teaching at Biola
10.04.30 parabolos portable production, teaching Biola, bmc10, iPad, Jack Hafer
just did a guest teaching spot at Biola... Jack Hafer invited me to talk to his Media Ethics class, only about two-thirds of which are film majors. even though the majority of what I discussed
keep reading...Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web
10.04.29 parabolos portable production Google, Internet, Kevin Kelly, TED, Travis Beacham, World Wide Web
my friend Travis Beacham once said, and i'm paraphrasing, "at some point Google stops being a company, and becomes something that we don't even have a word for yet." i'm not sure if that was
keep reading...guest teaching at USC
10.04.28 film, parabolos portable production, teaching Cinemek, Dropbox, film school, George Lucas, Google, Jim O'Keeffe, Jonathan Houser, uncsa, USC, Wave
last night i had the incredible honor of being invited to come and guest teach a class at USC's School for the Cinematic Arts. my good friend and colleague Jim O'Keeffe teaches one of the
keep reading...development part ii – the screenplay
10.03.30 film, parabolos portable production, screenwriting Apple, development, Final Draft, iPad, iPhone, MacBook Pro, parabolos portable production, Quickoffice, Screenplay
at some point all of those notes, cocktail napkin sketches, ideas, pictures stolen from flickr, etc. end up turning into words somewhere. Â for the writer, it begins a long time ago, but for everyone else
keep reading...development part i – the research
10.03.25 parabolos portable production, productivity, screenwriting development, iTalk, parabolos portable production, Quickoffice
the development process is, in my opinion, the most important part of the production process. Â i feel way too many take it lightly. Â a lot of young filmmakers focus on the finished product. Â a polished
keep reading...headed to LA
10.03.20 film, parabolos portable production, teaching Amoeba, Arclight, bmc10, In-N-Out, NCSA, Roscoe's, USC
hey LA! i'm headed your way! alert Roscoe's, Amoeba, In-N-Out, and the Arclight Theater. oh heck, alert Ripley's Believe It Or Not, too. let's face it, i'm totally going. i'll be arriving april 27 and
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