paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

clarity: building a bridge to your audience

my team and i have helped several non-profits and ministries tell their story over the years, many of whom have been active for decades. being around for that many years can lead to a few things.

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design isn’t what something looks like

if a friend told me he’d picked up a rusted, busted refrigerator on the side of the road, took it home, and put all his food in it, i’d worry about him. ”it’s okay,” he’d

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sunday morning – director’s commentary

since there are way too many things to say about this film to fit into the five-and-a-half minute runtime, i thought a written commentary would be better. the following goes through the entire sunday morning

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blog design

boy i sure don't know anything about html or css or any of that stuff, but somehow i was able to modify this wordpress theme to make it like how i'd like it.  if you

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Tekeme Studios

Tekeme Studios ps - George and Ashley are also great web designers

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