paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

Greenhouse Ministries Game Day 2018

it was my pleasure to produce a new video for the Greenhouse Ministries 2018 Game Day event. this 6-minute video played at the fundraising dinner to show how important the community is to Greenhouse‘s mission.

we started the process with a marketing strategy session, determining the needs for Greenhouse and then intended audience. from there we developed some ideas and language to encourage monthly givers and consistent volunteers. even on a tight schedule, we turned around this high-end video on a budget responsible for a non-profit.

do you need technical advice, marketing strategy, or cinematic production for your organization? get in touch for a free assessment. i want to help you reach more people with the best you have to offer.


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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