paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

who’s the most important person in the filmmaking process?

the producer? the writer? the director?

the viewer.


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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  • Jennifer Fleming | 13.05.14

    I could probably be convinced that any of those are the most important, although without a viewer, none of the others would be important.

    • skidmore | 13.05.14

      clearly, there are those who disagree, at least based on the work they produce.

      but take the implications of this statement more broadly. everyone who speaks is sharing some kind of gospel, regardless of their god: “good news, i got free coffee at Starbucks!” “good news, you can have sex without dating!” “good news, the end is near… for all YOU people, anyway!” every little banal story we tell is the gospel of some kingdom.

      and discipleship is no different. until we are sacrificially in love with the soul to whom we are speaking, apologetics, theology, and religion don’t matter yet.

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