paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

“Blue Like Jazz”, “a lot of angry patrons”, and the “Christian Movie Establishment”

if you love film or if you are a Christian, you’ve got to read this post by Blue Like Jazz filmmaker — musician-turned-director Steve Taylor:

The Christian Movie Establishment vs. Blue Like Jazz

“One of the most consistent criticisms I got as a recording artist came from fellow Christians saying, “Why do you do these songs criticizing the church? Why would you go airing our dirty laundry for the public to see?” And, of course, that same criticism had been leveled at Blue Like Jazz.

This perspective has always amused me, as if the public thinks we’ve got our act together perfectly, as if they don’t already see the hypocrisy in our midst. They just think we’re too dumb to see it ourselves.

Which is why the image of a guy in a confession booth finally confessing the truth started my six-year-long quest to make Blue Like Jazz.

When we tell the truth – even the uncomfortable truth – the truth sets people free.”

the whole article is totally on point.

if you haven’t seen Taylor’s first feature The Second Chance, you should check it out; i really enjoyed it. i’m really looking forward to Blue Like Jazz (and not just for the Bear on a Bicycle scene).

i hope that there are a lot of angry patrons. if the film stirs the pot, people will become disappointed and angry with their anger and disappointment in life and seek something higher.

encouraging that search should be the aim of every filmmaker who proclaims the name of Christ.


UPDATE:  interesting update to this story as director Steve Taylor receives an unexpected phone call from Alex Kendrick of Sherwood Pictures.


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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