i began this blog with a few reasons in mind. one of the most visible purposes was to share what i had learned about using new technology as it applies to the film production process.
some who follow my blog but don’t know me well personally may be frustrated that the site went dark for about six months, only to return with cryptic stories and essays that don’t seem to have anything to do with iPad 4 rumors.
and most of my daily traffic currently comes from Google searches about tech scenarios which i have specifically written about here: using an iPhone for production sound recording, the 5D vs. the 7D, the YouTube app on iOS, etc. this blog will continue to provide this film-related content which may be hard to find in other places.
tomorrow’s post, in fact, is one of the more extensive posts I’ve done. though light on technology, it is a technical post that hopefully directors and writers will find useful, and it comes equipped with examples and downloads.
so there will still be posts about film technology and technique. i believe that is one of the most tangible ways i can serve my industry, even in my limited station as a film/video freelancer deep in the heart of Tennessee. there’s a lot here in the archives that is still relevant, and expect to continue seeing tech-related posts over the coming weeks. my hope is to be more structured with posts, both in terms of writing craft and schedule.
but the tech stuff is just part of a broader purpose for this space. parabolos is my film production company, and i am dedicating my life to it. over the coming weeks, i will be spelling out what parabolos is, what it means to the world, and what my intentions are.
wrapped up in all of this is my passion for telling stories. these stories and essays are as central to my identity as any of the trademark ways people recognize me — my daily Starbucks trips, the Apple tech in my hand, or my red Chucks.
the story isn’t always as visible as the other things, but it’s what fuels parabolos. it motivates me to simplify the craft for all of us. it pushes me to read, search, attempt, work, and sacrifice.
the Story is the Why.
1 comment
Mama Pat Messick | 12.11.26
Hey Paul~
I had to smile at the red shoes~~remember the shoes you wore at graduation from NCSA. They were PERFECT for THAT day! Also–remember hearing a phone ring in the crowded Steven’s Center? It was our friend calling his Mama while he was on the stage. Good memories!!