paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

hello again! (and wedding bells!)

greetings and salutations!

it’s been a while since posting, but there’s a lot on the horizon. I can’t wait to share a lot of it with you. the past few months have seen some high and low times, exciting and boring, feast and famine. a new chapter is slowly brewing, and being able to share that with others is going to be fun.

in the meantime, i want to congratulate William and Robin Cavataio on recently tying the knot! it was a great service and intimate, country reception in Marion, AR. I was honored to be there, but ducked out before i ended up with yet another wedding garter! if you know William and Robin, be sure and congratulate them!


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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1 comment
  • Laura Strangers | 10.08.08

    LOL @ end up with another wedding garter!

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