paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

Sleepwalking teaser

i haven’t posted anything in a while*, but hopefully this post will be worth it!

the first two scenes of Sleepwalking are available to whet your appetite, so check it out over at!  the full film will be available June 1st.  as we wrap up visual effects, score, and sound design, i can’t help but feel a little excited.  it’s been a while before i’ve unleashed something this personal before the world, and i’m really happy that others are going to get to see it.

which leads to the question… what comes next?  God only knows, but i’m certainly open to suggestions!  got any?  leave them in the comments below…

* – i have lots of posts in various stages of completion saved in draft, some just waiting to be cleaned up… expect to see more in the next few days…

skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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  • susan | 10.05.21

    love the teaser. glad you’re doing what you do. and doing it well as always. miss seeing you. God bless.

  • skidmore | 10.05.21

    thanks Susan! i miss seeing everyone there, too, but loving the time with my parents and the doggies right now! :)

    • Christine | 10.05.21

      Wow! I have to wait until June to see the rest? I’m already totally involved in this boy’s story. Praying blessing on your work and life!

      • skidmore | 10.05.24

        glad to see everyone interested in the film! and thank you for the prayers…

  • Kerry | 10.05.24

    Great work, sir. Well done.

  • skidmore | 10.05.24

    thanks, Kerry.

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