paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

USC students’ final projects

had the pleasure of enjoying end-of-the-semester taco night at the O’Keeffe’s!  Dave Spring from Doorpost joined me, and we got to see the final cuts of their class projects.  it was really neat to see how the films had evolved in just two days!  these guys and gals have really been pouring themselves into it… gotta love it to do it, and these guys love it.

Jim and Beth gave their concluding remarks, and everyone crowded in for the group picture… even Angel who arrived in the nick of time to show the final edit of Cracked.  had lots of great conversation time with the GRITS (girls raised in the south) — Hillary and Austen — and it was great to have some time to just hang out and chat with the two Michaels, Leah and Lia, Nora, Angel, Mack, Zach, Max, John, Kyle, and the rest. (i know i totally just Gilligan’s Islanded some people whose names i either never learned, forgot, or am not bold enough to attempt to misspell/get wrong as i’m sure i did with the others… sorry!) lots of talent in that group, and so encouraging to see how they’ve become such fast friends, though they were mere strangers just months ago.

made me think about Matt Brown, Bryan Moore, Will Files, Charlie Dugan, Clint Smith, Mark Messick… and all my other NCSA buddies with whom i have lasting relationships, whether or not they’ve gotten me any work (thanks Jen Haire! haha).

special shoutout to Smokey Cloud who better get with me soon for some extremely fattening food somewhere. seriously, one trip to Roscoe’s isn’t enough.  oh, and Ruggles, i think a House of Pies trip is in order…

hmm… must be lunch time…


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believer. follower. filmmaker.

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