paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

guest teaching at Biola

just did a guest teaching spot at Biola… Jack Hafer invited me to talk to his Media Ethics class, only about two-thirds of which are film majors. even though the majority of what I discussed with them was specific to film, I hope the non-film majors weren’t bored to tears and found something useful amidst my barrage of dense technobabble…

more than anything, I enjoyed talking with Robert, Ryan, Laurie, and Josh after the class. also liked seeing Ryan’s iPad! never seen another one in person until today!  hopefully I’ll see most of them again tomorrow at the Biola Media Conference.

workshop Keynote almost finished… a few more hours of work and I’ll be ready for tomorrow… back at it…


skidmore | administrator

believer. follower. filmmaker.

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1 comment
  • S | 10.04.30

    “…even though the majority of what I discussed with them was specific to film, I hope the non-film majors weren’t bored to tears.”

    Ever met anyone who DIDN’T like talking about movies? I’m sure it was fine.

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