my friend Travis Beacham once said, and i’m paraphrasing, “at some point Google stops being a company, and becomes something that we don’t even have a word for yet.” i’m not sure if that was out of robot-insurance-buying fear, or just his being impressed, but it is certainly true to some measure.
Kevin Kelly’s TED talk about the next 5,000 days of the web is a really remarkable look at where we’ve come from and where we’re going in the next few years with technology and the interconnectedness that is the Internet and the World Wide Web.
the idea of the one machine sounds a little scary, and he even gets a little philosophical/religious with it, which is odd, but given that this talk was recorded in 2007, he was right on. Â since then we’ve seen Twitter really take flight (sorry) and everyone really likes Facebook (sorry again). Â the recent announcements by Facebook (another link) are right in line with his predictions about the Web’s future.
you can also it watch, download, and share it on here.  also check out his discussion of the evolution of technology.  very interesting stuff indeed.
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