
paul andrew skidmoreparabolos

cinematic storytelling, strategy, and advice

My Blog

my macgasm articles about FCPX all in one place

if you're interested. the speculation: Thoughts on iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express, and the Future the reaction: Beyond the Specs: Reactions to Final Cut X the reflection: Final Cut Pro X: Our two editors

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macgasm reviews

just a reminder that i occasionally review film-related apps for macgasm.net. macgasm's readership has really shot up over the last few months as more and more people recognize it as a site with great writing

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app reviews on macgasm.net

thanks to my buddy, Stephen, I recently got the opportunity to do app reviews for macgasm.net. macgasm is weblog about Apple news, products, and apps. Stephen is a Senior Contributor and Joshua Schnell is the

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hello again! (and wedding bells!)

greetings and salutations! it's been a while since posting, but there's a lot on the horizon. I can't wait to share a lot of it with you. the past few months have seen some high

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blog design

boy i sure don't know anything about html or css or any of that stuff, but somehow i was able to modify this wordpress theme to make it like how i'd like it.  if you

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Ashley Weis: Promotional Book Video

Ashley Weis: Promotional Book Video check out this video done by my friends George and Ashley Weis promoting Ashley's new books... then check out the rest of her blog!

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i started this blog as a place to share information about filmmaking, workflow, productivity, etc.  i hope those who come here are informed or, at least, entertained.  i also hope they will get involved, ask

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